ARMCO Park Softball Complex

Warren County, Ohio

The Warren County Park District wanted to convert the infields of their four existing softball fields at Armco Park to synthetic turf. These four lighted, fenced-in diamonds accommodate softball games of all levels and baseball for youths 12 and under. They have a 300 ft outfield fence and 60, 65, or 70 ft basepath options. Armco Park softball fields are home to summer and fall adult leagues and tournaments throughout the year.

Sportworks Design provided surveying and civil engineering services to prepare construction documents, specifications, permitting, and construction administration for the project. The project included designing four new synthetic turf infields for the existing softball fields. The scope of work included designing concrete curb along the existing fence and backstop wall, a section of the outfield grass to match the synthetic turf infield, underdrains beneath the synthetic turf, and stormwater collector pipes.


Public Works

The Project Team