City of Hilliard Sports Complex

Hilliard, Ohio

Sportworks Field Design provided services in developing a Master Plan Design and Economic Impact Analysis for the development of a 123 +/- acre multi-use sports complex on land located between Leppert Rd. and Cosgray Rd. in the City of Hilliard. Sportworks teamed with SFA for the economic scope of work.

Mixed Use


The facility offers 18 multi-use fields, with up to 8 fields as synthetic turf, with lighting planned for many of the fields. There are two separate concessions and restroom buildings, as well as a picnic pavilion and a promenade for venders to display at during tournaments. A miracle field is also strategically located near the facility hub, where space is reserved for a potential indoor city-owned recreational building. The site will accommodate approximately 2000 parking spaces, and will create strong connections with the adjacent Bo Jackson Elite Training Facility. The site will also be interconnected and looped with community walking trails. The roadway network is designed to facilitate an east – west connection, without bisecting the sports aspects of the site, and while including traffic calming measures. The roadway and parking network has been diagrammed in a way that provides convenience, ease of access, and safety for the athletes. The layout and grading of the fields has been diagrammed in a way to provide maximum flexibility for a wide variety of sports, in a variety of sizes and orientations. The site is also conceptualized for a potential city school building. The facility reflects the city’s commitment to provide space suitable for the local community teams as well as the potential for hosting large tournaments that can provide economic impact to the city.