
Xavier University Soccer keeps the ball rolling


Our Work Synthetic Turf


Kleingers Group

Cincinnati’s Xavier University has a long history of performance excellence. Last summer, this strive for quality was extended to the recently renovated synthetic turf soccer field. Sportworks Field Design assisted the University with monitoring the performance excellence of the field by conducting specific ASTM and FIFA designed standard tests. The results of the ball roll test, featured here, will be compared to test results from installation of the turf and each year following to determine the current performance. This information is essential to the University. Ball roll impacts the speed of play on the field and is an indicator of fiber wear, durability, and maintenance. Monitoring the change in ball roll over time can be a useful tool to the University when evaluating maintenance decisions, number of events per year, and ultimately even replacement.

For information on recommended synthetic turf field testing, contact Sportworks Field Design.